Cherry Creek School District Foundation

Dear Colorado Auto Finders,
I am truly grateful for your support of the Cherry Creek Schools Foundation this year. Your gift to us took care of our community!
Your donation provided fresh food to our families through a mobile market, filled backpacks with school supplies, provided internet access and stocked food pantries across the district with snacks.
You enabled our students of all ages to learn over the summer through the district’s free summer learning experiences. Elementary students made up for learning loss in math and reading, middle school students re-discovered the joy of learning in the Launch Program and high school students had the chance to recover credits to put them back on the path to graduation.
I know there are many issues that divide us, but taking care of one another brings us together. Your generosity has proven that and filled our hearts with hope for the future.
We will continue to take care of our students, especially their mental health and work closely with our school-based teams to find solutions to the increasing needs for care.
I am thankful to live and work in a community that rallies around our students. Thanks for GIVING!
Jill Henden, Executive Director
Posted 08/01/2021
in CAF Gives Back
Community, Giving Back